Friday, February 16, 2007

Crime Mapping Update

I've been pretty busy. I had to get a lot of work done before the holiday rolled around. By the way, does anyone find it extraordinarily easy to get outside help (like vendors) in town around Mardi Gras?

Anyway, I've added a few more placemarks.

Here is a list of links that are helpful to crime mapping:

Map based off Mike Glaser's postings on the PANO forum

Beta site for New Orleans citizen mapping

NOPD's rarely updated (and not user friendly) crime maps

Docket Master Tracking software on all dockets in criminal court. Excellent resource. You can also search for people who piss you off. Can lead to HOURS of entertainment. Also, you can look up the million-time losers like Lostin Lee, Ivory Harris, and Eugene Treg

Chicago Crime What the New Orleans map should look at for inspiration

Greater N.O. Community Data Center

Most of these I've already posted, I just wanted to consolidate them into one place.

Latest KMZ file


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