Monday, March 12, 2007

Odds and Ends

New Orleans murder rate worse than we thought. We're approaching Baghdad levels here, people. And that's NOT THE BAD NEWS. It's getting worse.

I've said it before: this summer, there is going to be a low-intensity conflict in parts of the city. The only thing that's going to save us from total anarchy is Jim Lenten. He's taking thugs off the street and keeping them off. More importantly, they have an active intelligence gathering operation underway and are targeting the drug kingpins in the city. The kingpins have gone untouched since Pennington was Chief. Good luck and Goodspeed, Lenten.

This is what logic looks like. Living in New Orleans, we need to remind ourselves every once in a while what sanity looks like.

On the bright side, they like it and they might be bringing a friend.

2 Letters to the Editor about Section 8 housing.

Jefferson Parish's answer to fighting crime: Buy up tenements and turn them into parks. What they forget to mention is those residents will inevitably come back to Orleans Parish, but I think that is part of the point. It's a shame very few other New Orleans bloggers read City Biz. It's one of the better news sources out there.

UPDATE- I'm too lazy to write a new post about just one thing, so I'll tack this on.'s "Crime Scene NOLA" blog written by (mostly) Jon Donley and an officer from FOP.

1 comment:

  1. "It's a shame very few other New Orleans bloggers read City Biz. It's one of the better news sources out there."

    All RIGHT, already. I've bookmarked the damn site. Excuse me while I head on over to a corner and try to recover from the early onset of DST.

    (trudges off)


