Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Hey, CBS, still like Couric?

If I watch the evening news, it's Brian Williams (who is a real friend of New Orleans) or nothing. I liked Scheifer when he temporarily had the role after Rather departed. Big mistake, and they're paying for it with the ratings...


  1. Schieffer deserved that lead anchor position, hands down. I especially enjoyed his autobiography. CBS bit the big one with Couric. Sad, but true.

  2. I agree 100%

    I heard that Schieffer declined the permanent anchor position...don't know if it's true.

    I've never cared for Katie....she hasn't paid her dues and is just a glorified entertainment reporter. IMO, if a female anchor was wanted, look to Andrea Mitchell, Christianne Amanpour, Cokie Roberts....REAL newspeople.
