Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Going to vote

Go vote today. Along those lines, when is everyone getting to their polling place? I'm inserting a poll at the top of the page to track answers.

I'll probably take a long lunch to make it to the polls.

I wish we had a federal holiday today.

UPDATE- Took an early lunch and got in and out in 10 minutes.

UPDATE 2- Poll Results:

When are you going to vote?

Before Work
6 (66%)

Long Lunch
1 (11%)

Taking Off Early
2 (22%)

After Work
0 (0%)

0 (0%)

1 comment:

  1. Interesting comment regarding the holiday. We asked my boss, who enthusiastically voted for Obama, if we could all take the day off. He did not wish to dignify our question with an answer. Here in Texas the polls were open from 7 to 7 with early voting for 2 weeks beforehand. I waltzed in a 6 pm after work and voted with no line. So, I don't think we need a holiday for it. But if King Obama were to grant one who am I to say no?
