Sunday, December 7, 2008

Holy Cao!

New Orleans has a new congressperson. This hasn't happened since I was 6 years old.

No more $Bill and his family sucking the lifeblood out of the city. I think this kills any chance of an acquittal. Nobody is going to donate to his legal defense fund now.

Note that Malik, while he had a pretty modest vote total, did tip the election for Cao.

Joseph Cao, congratulations and good luck. Try to do what's best for the city and not what some of your backers might tell you to do. I'd love to see you get reelected.

Between Ted Stevens and $Bill, Congress just got a little more honest.

UPDATE- Oyster beat me to Holy Cao first.


  1. "Note that Malik, while he had a pretty modest vote total, did tip the election for Cao."

    I dispute this, because not all Malik voters had Dollar Bill as their second choice, and if you're gonna factor in Malik, then you have to factor in Kahn as someone who took votes from Cao.

  2. Eh, I'll actually agree with you. I originally wrote that last night when the vote totals were different. Malik made an awful showing.

  3. If you're going to use Holy Cao!, you need to credit oyster.
