Tuesday, February 10, 2009

"...the big question is not just why is David Vitter in office, but why is he not in jail?"

Oyster goes over Vitter's possible primary challenger. Could Louisiana send a pornstar to the Senate?

Key quote:

"I might be a porn star but I haven't done anything illegal. And I guess the big question is not just why is David Vitter in office, but why is he not in jail?"

Indeed. Why isn't he in jail?


  1. She can't possibly be a senator. She just spent five minutes on television without lying once.

  2. Too funny! My husband went to that Federalist Society lunch and thoroughly enjoyed it. I'm assuming that you feel that spending is a stimulus. I don't believe that; does that make against the US economy?

    Just curious of which parts of the stimulus package are you particularly fond of? I haven't read all 1000+ pages of the final version yet.

  3. As an engineer, I think the most important parts are the infrastructure parts. Here's a report by the American Society of Civil Engineers about the infrastructure part of the stimulus:


    The actual report is an PDF, but some people don't like it when you link directly to a PDF.

    It's nice to see someone take infrastructure seriously. It's sorely needed, from Minnesotan bridges to New Orleans levees.
