Monday, February 8, 2010

...I want to be in that number

Saints Superbowl Victory Celebration from Cottage Films on Vimeo.

I caught video of these guys passing by on Magazine:

We stayed out on Magazine Street and had a HELL of a time.

Some cops started playing with their siren so it played "Whoop There It Is":

Absolutely the coolest thing last night (other than the TV's that said "SAINTS WIN SUPER BOWL") was a brass band that just showed up outside the Rendevous.

In New Orleans, a brass band is liable to show up at any time. Blacks, Whites, Hispanics, Men, Women, all joined in celebration. There were all of the above making out in every combination possible. It was pretty much Pat Robertson's nightmare. Fun times.

UPDATE- And I made Gambit:
I made the Gambit!

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