Saturday, July 30, 2011

Looters vs. NOPD: a table



Looted Wal-Mart

Looted Wal-Mart

“Sniper fire” (really a Relief Valve)

Long range, deadly fire

“Raping Babies”

Raping children

Body count: Looters shot 1 cop in the head (survived)

Body Count: Still counting (1 conviction so far, probably a few more soon, maybe a lot more)

Rapes: 2 confirmed sexual assaults in Superdome, others elsewhere

Rapes: Equipped and ready to go

Next time a storm runs this way, here's a humble suggestion for the governor's office: issue additional orders to shoot NOPD on sight.

UPDATE- NOPD vs. TUPD gunbattle. Nobody hit, despite both officers being "expert" firearm-wielders.*

Another thing NOPD loves doing along with criminals: stealing guns:

*- The article was a little unclear as to whether it was just NOPD firing or the NOPD and TUPD exchanging rounds.

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