Monday, January 29, 2007

Other Crime Mapping Efforts

New Orleans Crime Map on Geocities. Made from PANO's forum (one of my sources).

Another local crime map.

Chicago Crime. Mapping system that uses Google Earth. They have it set up right. First off, the incidents never "expire." Most major cities that have crime maps purge them after so often. The other thing that makes this effort special is they got direct access to Chicago's police database. They wrote a script that automatically took every police report filed by the city and made it into a sortable map.

I'd love to set up something like Chicago Crime in New Orleans. I'm not going to hold my breath on Riley to cough up the reports, though. It'll be a chilly day in hell before we get that kind of cooperation from NOPD's brass.

I've been meaning to check these crime reports against my mapping, but have been really busy as of late. If someone could turn it into a .kmz file for me to cross check later, I'd appreciate it.

Latest Crime Map on Rapidshare.

Same file hosted by Scott Harney. Thanks.

If you download the .kmz files, remember to click on the icons for detailed descriptions.

Oh yeah: Total murders to date (Orleans and Jefferson Parish): 22. That does not include the body dump in the lower 9th ward that was tacked on to last year's total or the fetuses found on the West Bank.

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